Title: Habib?

Artist: Laagar

Description: It's Habib! What else can I say?


Title: Stupid Slut

Artist: Laagar

Description: This picture never ceases to amuse me....


Title: God Pushing Skanks

Artist: Ilia

Description: This picture kicks ass! It's Lucy doin' what she does best! Shootin' down those wacky door-to-door Jehova's Witnesses! If you can't read what Habib's saying it's "I wonder when those God pushing skanks will learn." I luv his pink fuzzy slippers!


Title: Look at my skillz!

Artist: Master Meemur the lemur with an overgrown femur who's mostly a schemer is covered in streamers and drives a beamer (He doesn't, he's just a dreamer), Justicar of Clan Kombucha, Whore of Babylon, Future World Dictator (AKA: Obi Wang Kenobi)

Comments: It's just Meemur tryin' to show off his 'skillz.'

Title: Tulip

Artist: Chibi Riya

Description: It's Tulip the bishounen~


Title: Not sure

Artist: Angel

Description: A comic that he did way back when, when Wilfredo's Odyssey first came to the internet and was on the Geoshitties page. He finally got access to a scanner so here it is! This comic features his original characters: Bugman, Mage and Tiny Ninja.

Wanna see more Wilfredo's Odyssey fanart? Then GO MAKE SOME! Send your creations to fanart@wilfredosodyssey.com. Make sure to put the title of your picture and your name so you get credit. Also, you can include a link to your site, if you have one so that I can add it to the links section.

Just a few simple rules... When sending the e-mail, make sure you title the e-mail 'fanart' otherwise it will not be opened. You know how I hate getting viruses. Try to keep the files relatively small if possible. Other than that, have fun! I hope to see things in the future!