Full Name: Lucifah Allafalafel

Age: 29

Hair color: Blue/Black

Eye Color: Purple

Occupation: Prospective Mental Patient

Element: Unkown

Height:  5'7"

Weight: 146lbs

Hobbies: Shooting things, making fun of people

Likes: Bloody murder, stupid people and her massive firearms collection

Dislikes: People





     Lucy was the seventh child of Mitzi, who you probably already know about from Habib's bio (if not, then go and read it). Blah blah blah... grew up with her grandmother and so on.

     Lucy grew up with a hatred for humanity. This was inspired by her grandmother's constant nagging. Lucy managed to save up enough money to buy an impressive collection of firearms and explosives, which she never leaves home without. Lucy is the kind of person who wants to be left alone by the world. She's not a xenophobe, but she hates people. The only person whom she considers a friend is her younger brother, Habib, because he's the only other person who comes close to understanding her.

     Even though she makes fun of Habib, Lucy does care about him. That was the reason that she left home to find him. If anything happened to Habib, Lucy knows that she would truly be alone in the world because everybody else is just too stupid.

     Lucy is often mistaken for Habib, thus, she is mistaken for the chosen one.


Indie's Inspiration for Lucy:  A lot of people say that I based Lucy off of myself. I won't deny that. The only thing is, I'm not really a fan of guns. I'd rather use swords. But, I figured that at least one of Habib's siblings should get involved.


