Full Name: Habib Allafalafel

Age: 29

Hair color: Blue/Black

Eye Color: Violet

Occupation: Prospective hobo

Element: Fire

Height:  5'7"

Weight: 143lbs

Hobbies: Eating, sleeping, insulting stupid people

Likes: Eating, sleeping

Dislikes: Stupid people, his grandmother almost anything not having to do with eating or sleeping.





     Habib was the eighth child to a whore named Mitzi. Mitzi had died when Habib was born and nobody knew who the hell his father was because his mother was a skanky whore. Habib grew up with seven older sisters, including Lucifah, his older twin sister (the other six are not even important enough to have their names mentioned). Habib and his sisters were raised by his grandmother, who was (and still is) a lazy, neglectful bitch.

     Habib never accomplished much in life, and neither did his sisters. Their whole time was spent doing errands for their stupid grandmother, and they barely had enough of anything to survive. Habib vowed to himself "One day, I'm going to become somebody!" However, he forgot about that vow very quickly, because he was just too lazy to follow through.

     Habib isn't your typical hero. In fact, he's not a hero at all. He's a coward. Not many people can just waltz off into a strange adventure and be expected to act all heroic or even give a damn. If they do, then those people probably don't really exist. He's not the most pleasant person to be around, unless he likes you. And if he likes you, then that's a miracle.


Indie's Inspiration for Habib: I tried to make Habib seem more like a real person than your classic "Let's save the world! I'm all goody-good!" kinda hero. If a real person were to face the situations that Habib faces, they may be scared, too. In addition, I kind of based Habib off of what I would say if I were an anime or RPG hero. Instead of saying "Let's go on an adventure!" he would say "Dammit! Leave me alone!" I guess I just got tired of mindless heroes wanting to do good deeds and I decided to go with a guy who is not willing to do anything. I don't know if I'm making any sense but... oh well.


